Friday, May 14, 2010

A trio of friends

Today marks the end of CIDP, or Computer Innovation and Design Programme.

We presented to Prof Malcolm and he gave us a scathing review on our project. Well not really. Probably an A-. But the grade wouldn't justify the kind of effort that people like Jingyi and Maran put into the project. Then again, i knew they never did it for the grades. That's why i admire them. For being wise enough to see past the surface, having the foresight to set goals for the future and the discipline to make them happen. Me? I'm kinda lacking in the discipline department. Meanwhile, i'll still leech to them and form our fun, crazy, brilliant and undoubtedly silly trio. Looking forward to 2 more years of this!

Thinking about it, a trio of friends bears a lot of meaning for me. In Hall i had so much fun in a trio. With Alvin and Weichong last semester, playing squash at midnight, board games, sharing the saikang, or lending a listening ear when it mattered most. And in the first year, it was Brandon and Weichong, as well as all the freshie rooms in the level 4 corridor. I don't think i'll get back the feeling ever again. But hopefully new experiences await. Hopefully i'll always get this lucky.

Perhaps the idea of going about with two close friends really appeals to me. Making fun of each other and having someone else to laugh. Running into misunderstandings and having a middleman to settle them. Doing crazy things with just that extra bit of courage or opinion. And most of all, because having even one more friend with whom you can laugh without a care, kick his ass freely, and trust and depend on with your life, is just so much more... awesome.

All of a sudden i thought about the jc times when wudao, gaoshan and i said the funniest and weirdest conversations, did the stupidest and craziest things. I miss them, as well as all my old friends. But i'm looking forward to the next time we meet up. I know we will. And they'll be just the same as before. Somehow i just know it.

That these trios of friends that i have, will always be my best friends in the whole wide world.

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