Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Learning HTML

Your current mood:
It's a wonderful world!
Satisfied with life.
Nothing's going right..
Wish you were here...

Alcohol Tolerance analysis:

No. of times you forgot your name
No. of times you woke up sprawled over the toilet bowl

Friday, April 24, 2009

End of the exams

End of the exams, end of the semester.

Still mucking around at home. Had an SGX interview yesterday, kinda fun but it didn't end off well. Now i'm musing if i should get over to Pulau NTU and visit my poor, estranged honey. Nah she's not that lonely haha.

Exams... probably won't do well this semester. Really lost my footing academically. It's been a tough time chasing up, especially when our faculty's pretty good, with my BCG friends and international students. I don't find them any less smarter than in RI or RJ. So it's challenging -and stressful- enough for me.

I just have to find my humility for learning and my passion for knowledge. I really want to explore more of school life now, after having spent the past year getting involved in hall life. That means joining competitions, doing research, reading up on periodicals. I mean, it's University. Our last big chance to learn and enrich yourself. Next thing you know it, you're being thrown into the rat race of life, trying to get yourself a hedonistic, materialistic lifestyle, so you can lose sight of what's important in life, so you can forget why you actually live. But at least you can say you're a success.

No, really. Gotta seize the day. Carpe Diem.