Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Last snippet of hall life

Just came back from a long talk with Kenny and Weiyen. It reminds me that there are great conversations to be had anywhere in hall, and the serendipity is just amazing :) Perhaps it's the sense of home in our warm abode here that endear us to our friends and neighbours so. Well, since i'll be staying in budget student hostels in both the U.S and Germany, i'll be sure to experience this feeling with different people who have different stories to tell :)

Anyway, I feel really relieved that my overseas trip issues are settled. It was a pretty tough exam season, what with running all around getting my jabs done, applying for student discount cards, preparing documents and whatnot... and, Oh Gott, the waiting. That was the worst part of all, stressing over whether my acceptance package, german insurance requirements will arrive in time for my visa application (and my pre-booked flight!)

I'm just glad to have everything fall in place, and not a moment too soon, either. Will be flying off next thursday on the 30th, i hope everything goes smoothly ~ Before that, i'll be initiating myself to Moolah @ the SG office these few days. Definitely raring to go :)

Bis bald, Singapur!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Acceptance from TUM!

Für Ihr Studium an der Technischen Universität München wünschen wir Ihnen
viel Erfolg!
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Ihr Welcome Office


Friday, December 10, 2010


Interesting stats from blogspot's new Stats function!

Over the past month...
-227 views came from my facebook profile.
-16 views came from a Russian property website. I assume real estate must be big in Sebastiancity?

-Top Countries that my readers are from:
Singapore, U.S., Malaysia, and.... Russia. (btw if you're russian, you may want to stop searching for your dream house here.)

-Strange O.S./ Browsers used by readers:
4 Iphone views, 1 Netscape (thought it was extinct?), 1 Java (Java has a browser?)

-Top stories read:

Hall XI FOC 2010: A Happy Ending

Fishin' in Sibu

Haha... really fun to look at the stats. Thanks, Google/Blogspot!