Sunday, March 1, 2009

A rainbow after the storm

The past week couldn't have been more stressful for me, or for some of my friends.

Sometimes the busyness of life lets you forget your worries. Instead when you're left on a week of free time to complete everything, the stress just piles up and crashes down on you.

Guess that's what happened to alot of us. I spent two days working till six am for my accounting assignment, and one day till five am for programming. I wish someday group projects will stop teaching us the same thing: there will always be slackers, and you're damn well gonna fill up for them. I also hope someday for programming lab, i won't be looking for a needle in a haystack anymore. Or at least i'll have a match.

I think that night was one of the worst programming experiences for me. My frustration simply rose over the tipping point. I cursed to God, banged my fists sore against the table, threw the chair around. I couldn't sleep until i solved the problem myself.

So you can imagine that after this nerve-wracking week of punishment, i wasn't in the best of moods to go with YZ to the Club Rainbow Appreciation Tea.

But i'm glad i did.

It was a nice, cozy gathering with the rest of the Slimy Eyeball folks. Ben, PohLin, Ryan, Doris, Winnie, and the kids Zhexi, Rachel. Anyway, there were a couple of speeches made to thank us for our contributions etc, a cute lil' teddybear gift, our certificates, and a sumptuous buffet to boot. I wore myself out playing planes and catching with the boys. Guess i accumulated too much fatigue.

Were there only three kids? It felt more like an army! Ha... but Pohlin and the rest always attend to their every need. We went to Suntec, the koi pond, fountain etc. In the end i was the only one who was bushed out after walking all around...oops. They even wanted to leave me sleeping at the dinner table! Haha. Well, i'm just glad YZ and the other kids had fun with us.

And now i'm home, having accomplished none of my backdated work today. But it's been my most fruitful day of the week.

I almost forgot why i live.

But now i remember.

Nearing the end of his speech, our volunteer said,
Many of us here have illnesses, some throughout our lives. But we still move on, we still keep going.

After all, Life is wonderful.

And he said it so naturally and with such conviction, as though he'd fell in love with life the day he was born.

Sometimes, inspiration is simply about reminding ourselves, letting us recall what we already know in our hearts.

The truest greatness lies in being kind, the truest wisdom in a happy mind.

Ella Wheeler Wilcox

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