Sunday, February 21, 2010

A Game.

21/02/2010.. Interhall Rugby semifinals: Hall XI vs Hall III.

Today happened because hooligans, not gentlemen, played a hooligans' game. The match was doomed to be memorable. One red card, one yellow card. Two players sent off and a penalty given to us.

It probably disfigured Hall Three's image in one fell swoop. Spectators will say that it was an inglorious victory for them, an unscrupulous, dirty team who fought without honour. It took just a few of them who hooked our players by the throat to arouse the righteous fury of everyone present, who immediately rose in uproarious protest. I myself showed the middle finger. Haha.

Yet we're forgetting that like us, they're only students playing as a hall team, passionate for the game, thirsty for the victory. We may term them however we like, but deep down are they really the terrible people we curse and swear at? Don't they resume their studies the next day, sitting in the same lecture theatre as us, doing the very same things we do every day? It doesn't make sense, does it.

Perhaps we're letting our emotions get the better of us. We may say that their behavior today was unsportsmanlike, unbecoming of a good rugby team. But let us not extend our prejudice to their hall, to their residents, who, like us, are just... human.

And we all err.

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